Say “No” to “GIMMICKS” that Promise Lies!

I would like to raise awareness to an extremely detrimental issue impacting our skin care world today. All over the Internet, in magazines, on TV, and in advertisements, consumers are promised to have transformative, youthful skin in as quick as a few minutes. What consumers do not realize is that these promises are nothing but money-making schemes with many harmful consequences because true skin-care transformation is a process that requires commitment, effort, and expertise. I personally have always believed in basic tools to achieve good skin care. Unfortunately though, we live in an era where everyone is seeking instant results, with very limited time to devote to their skin, which results in the use of fillers, botox, and injections. While this is extremely harmful to all, media is working hard to especially target the vulnerable and young age, who are painfully blinded by their fallacies that celebrities portray. As an experienced skin care expert, watching this negative revolution of the industry happen in front of my eyes truly horrifies me. I am overly concerned for the present generation and the future, who seem ashamed of their age and their appearance. This mentality appears to be affecting everyone- men, women, and teenagers. Rather than resorting to the quick fix of injections, I advise all clients that walk into my spa to trust us to approach skin holistically. My advice for this generation is not to become conditioned by the media that promotes these gimmicks. If you want to alter your skin, it is essential to seek advice from a reputable skin care expert to learn how to treat your individualized skin care needs. At the Lia Schorr Day Spa, we provide a free skin-care consultation to anyone seeking to improve their skin, which is something the majority of NYC spas do not offer. After your consultation, we can treat your skin according to its needs and promise that you will continue to be supervised by a skin care expert to take care of your skin for years to come; which will truly reinvent your skin.

Sun: The Silent Enemy

Sun is one of the greatest enemies impacting all skin types. Overexposure to sunlight creates severe skin care problems, such as pigmentation, discoloration, increased aging, and most problematic- skin cancer. While we do look great with a sun tan, it is important to practice safe sun habits to avoid these problems. I advise all clientele the following: - Whenever possible, it is suggested that exposure to sun be limited to no more than 15 minutes, followed by a 15 minute break. You can repeat this process as much as you’d like, as long as you are taking frequent breaks. - When you are in the sun, put the highest non-oil sun screen before leaving the house and dress appropriately by wearing a hat and sunglasses. - Always carry water with you and drink often to avoid dehydration. - Eliminate sport and outdoor physical activity when sun is at its peak, during the hours of 12p.m.-3p.m. - Individuals prone to acne conditions are encouraged to be in the sun, in moderation. - Eliminate increased sun exposure if you have any heart conditions, are taking medication, or have high blood pressure. - Pregnant women should avoid overexposure to sun as much as possible, as they are most at-risk to cause extreme harm. - If you develop a sun burn, immediately take a cool bath, put cold compresses on the affected area(s), and treat the skin with aloe. -I would advise while you are exposed to the sun to spritz fresh water as often as possible, it's a cooling effect. These tips will allow you to walk away with beautifully tanned, unharmed skin, free from redness and breakouts.

Lia Schorr’s Philosophy on Skin-Care

Throughout my extensive years in the industry, I have always been a true believer in achieving good skin care with very basic and limited tools. My skin care motto is extremely simplistic: the ingredients to healthy skin care are an active lifestyle, healthy nutrition, and excellent hygiene. I advise my clientele to eliminate harmful toxins from their lives, such as caffeine, smoking, and drinking, which do nothing but destroy the skin. I also suggest that clientele avoids the use of buffers and loofas on their face, which contain dirt and germ build-up. I also recommend to not sleep or exercise with makeup. It is crucial to avoid self-extractions. For healthy skin, it is recommended that people drink 6-8 glasses of water daily and eat a well-balanced diet rich in protein, whole-grain complex carbohydrates, fruit, and vegetables. When we engage with our customers, we first analyze their skin and decide what type of facial customers should have, based on their individual needs. Most spas in New York City avoid cleaning blackheads and whiteheads, which is wrong. The right facial includes a thorough cleaning and in depth extraction of whiteheads, blackheads, and all impurities. We always urge clients to have a facial at least four times a year, at the start of each season. However, we definitely suggest our clientele have facials more frequently, every 4-6 weeks to avoid build-up.

Catering to Teenage Skin Care

Throughout New York City, teens are severely neglected in the skin care world. I have yet to find a New York City spa that caters to teenage skin. Luckily for teens, we here at the Lia Schorr Day Spa have always accommodated teenagers and customized skin care services to their specific skin needs. Teenage skin is naturally prone to problems such as whiteheads, blackheads, acne, and oil build-up, due to bad diet choices, hygiene, emotional and psychological instability. During these turbulent years, not to allow teens the right to their skin treated by skin care experts is truly prejudicial. Starting at the age of 9, teenagers are welcomed into our spa and have the profound opportunity to have a consultation by Lia Schorr herself, who takes pride in analyzing a persons skin, providing an individualized skin care plan, and providing each teen advice and support for at-home skin care.