The New Better Nutrition – Magazine

How to Pep up Your Skin for Spring

by Lia Schorr

Spring is a favorite time of year for most people because it's sandwiched between winter's drying deep freeze — plus harsh winds — and summer's smothering heat and humidity.

In spring we're not contending with extremes of any kind, so it's no wonder that we feel reborn and revitalized. As we shed our extra layers of clothing, we come alive again after months of hibernation.

So, take advantage of Nature's goodness by enjoying the warmth and freshness we feel as we emerge from the winter doldrums.

The first step is to take stock of face and figure in a full-length mirror. Has your body gone to seed from overeating? Are you lumpy in heretofore undamaged areas? Has your skin taken on a dull, grayish pall from an accumulation of dead surface cells? Have you amassed more skin-care products than you know what to do with in hopes of combatting winter's ravages?

Well, don't panic. Assess what you're working with and meet spring head on. Start by paring down. That means your diet and your grooming regimen.

Eat lighter meals now than in winter, when soups, breads and hot and hearty foods were desirable for stick-to-your-ribs nourishment and additional warmth. As a result, a few extra pounds may have crept on.

A nutritious, easy-to-digest menu should take precedence, with the oncoming warmer weather.

Increase your intake of fresh in enough water to cover. Puree. Apply. After 15 to 20 minutes, splash off with cool water.

Clearly, the best strategy for surviving winter is to plan ahead for any eventuality. This is easier once you understand the effects of harsh, cold temperatures on the skin and the precautions you can take to preserve a youthful face and body. Prevention is the key. It's certainly a more intelligent choice than trying to correct the damage once it's done.

Formerly associated with Christine Valmy ands Georgette Klinger,
Lia Schorr now operates her own fashionable skin care center in New York City.
Forty percent of her clients are male, including Paul Newman, Dustin Hoffman and Peter Allen.